I don’t know about you guys but I find my cats cost a lot of money and they have expensive tastes too! The special food, the World’s Best Litter, the designer furniture, the newest best toys, the vet visits etc. So I figured the Furballs needed to contribute to the household expenses. I am not asking a lot of them. They are not hard workers. But there are so many options for Cat Jobs that are purrfect for them. And there are a lot of companies hiring Cat Purrsonal.
The thing is now that I am working from home too we all have to find a way to share the space and get things done. The Furball’s are not used to me being at home all the time. They feel I am here to pay attention to them. Give them treats. Yes, Fairy thinks my full time job is petting her. They get distracted so easily and try their very best to distract me too.
I also have had the chance to see what they do all day and it is not much. Forget leaving a To Do List. “We can’t read” they say. Really? Then how did you order all those treats and toys on Amazon Yogi? I am docking your pay.
I found out with the release of our latest video that I am not not alone. Other humans like me are having issues with their Feline Workforce. I have to admit I have really enjoyed reading these comments and have “Laughed Out Loud” more than several times!
Karen J – i have left my lap top many a time only to find strange searching being performed for nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmv or bing open. not sure why bing appeals to my kittehs.
Brit H. – After 32 years my office chair had so much cat hair on it I’ll bet to they threw it away when I retired.
Robert H – One of mine just walked across the keyboard. Now it’s logged onto something called “Skynet” and there’s some kind of countdown happening that I can’t seem to stop.
BotiCats – Currently writing this comment on my knees since one of my kitties took over my computer chair ??. Thank you for sharing and love the video ?❤?
Jennifer L – Victor is my tech support tabby! He’s a BIG help; his favorite key is F1. He has called a coworker and hung up on her. He once deleted an email and now tries not to step on the keyboard because it made me so angry. Going back to the office will be such a letdown for us both. Forgot to add… when he’s hungry, Victor simply stands in front of my monitor! “Work will stop until I have food.”
I did want to mention one clever thing that is happening at some of the shelters and rescues in Los Angeles. It is called the Working Cats Program. Feral Cats are pulled from the Shelters and put at businesses with rodent issues. The program provides a useful role in society for feral cats, who would otherwise be euthanized in shelters. Here is a video I made about this program for the Voice for the Animals Foundation. They were the first rescue to start this successful program in 1999. They have placed feral cats at the Los Angeles Police Department, the Flower Mart in Downtown Los Angeles and many other businesses.
If your cats are lying around the house all day doing nothing or if you are having issues with your cat purrsonal or need some Cat Job suggestions watch our Best Careers for Cats Video. Please don’t put a lot of faith in cats bringing much in the way of income unless you get them jobs as mousers. The good mews is they work for cheap and will gladly be paid in kibble and treats!