Be Happy Meow! Is that even possible in 2021 after crawling out of 2020? We’d say Yes! Yes we can! Yes to changing our catittude!

2020 was a very challenging year. So how is 2021 going to be any different? Here’s the thing, the elephant in the room, the thing so many of us are thinking. How the heck do you plan for a mew year with so many unknowns?
We have made a series of New Year’s Resolution videos off and on for years. When faced with 2021, we couldn’t do it.
Also last year we made Cat Purrdictions 2020 and though after reviewing it we were spot on for a lot of them, however this year the crystal ball was blank.
So after a lot of mewditation and purrflecting it occurred to us that maybe what the world needed right now was some pawsitivity and a way to cope with the crazy upside down world. One way to do that is with our thinking! You are what you think, I think, therefore I am etc. Words have power!

What is a pawsitive affirmation? It is a pawsitive statement that is repeated to empower dreams. Do they work? That depends on a number of things – do you believe what you are saying? Is it said with emotion? How often do you practise your affurmation? Affiumations can reprogram the subconscious mind, reduce stress, can change negative thought patterns and help you feel happier. When you repeat them often enough you will start to see real, pawsitive changes in your life.

What are the 3 p’s of an affurmation? Pawsitive, Purrsonal and Present tense.
How do you use affurmations? To really make the most of an affirmation you should:
Say it out loud.
Writing down affurmations can also be very powerful.
Keep it brief, specific and pawsitive.
Visualizations help as you say it.
Believe it with all your heart.
Express gratitude.
Are you ready to give it a try? The Furball cats share some of their favorite Pawsitive Affurmations to help you get started! Happy Mew Year!